Drinkers showing off online and kick off
2014-12-30 10:08

Drinkers showing off online and kick off

Drinkers showing off online and kick off "online drink battle"

(Chinese) http://tech.qq.com/a/20141229/004331.htm

The drink battle is becoming popular online, and reminds the netizen of the previous ice bucket challenge. It is believed that the drink challenge rises from China's traditional favors on liquor, and is fueled with the onlookers' interests.

Alipay launched online credit payment service

(Chinese) http://tech.sina.com.cn/i/2014-12-29/02199917114.shtml

Alipay lauched a "花呗" (Hua Bei) page through which users could pay on credit.

Xiaomi’s India Smartphone Sales Pass 1 Mln As Royalty Battle Continues

(Chinese) http://www.yicai.com/news/2014/12/4057151.html

Dianping Gets $800 Mln In New Funding Round

(Chinese) http://tech.sina.com.cn/i/2014-12-26/doc-iawzunex8465276.shtml

Tesla Helps Chinese Buyers Trade in Old Cars for Model S

(English) http://www.bloomberg.com/news/2014-12-26/tesla-helps-chinese-buyers-trade-in-old-cars-for-model-s.html

The company will deduct the value of the sale from the price of the Model S, which starts from 648,000yuan ($104,000) in China.

China's antitrust regulator says Qualcomm case to be settled soon

(English) http://www.reuters.com/article/2014/12/26/china-qualcomm-idUSB9N0TG01J20141226

The National Development and Reform Commission (NDRC), the country's anti-monopoly regulator that launched its probe of the San Diego-based company 13 months ago, said the case would be settled according to the law, according to an online statement. The notice cited Xu Kunlin, director general of NDRC's anti-monopoly bureau.

Regulator set to strengthen antitrust laws during 2015

(English) http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2014-12/26/content_19170476.htm

Zhang Mao, head of the State Administration for Industry & Commerce, told a conference in Beijing that its priority for 2015 remains cracking down on monopoly and illegal competition in key sectors, and any actions that infringe upon commercial intelligence rules.

College student makes 500,000 yuan by selling masks on WeChat

(English) http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/business/2014-12/26/content_19170550.htm

Inspired by people who were selling goods on WeChat in 2013, Che Yanjiao decided to start her own business with 2,000 yuan start-up money. She began by selling clothes on WeChat. After a month, she had made only 500 yuan.

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